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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nonnie's Garden - Carol Chretien

This painting in oil was part of a challenge to paint with a limited palette of 4 colors.
I painted it from life and it was done alla prima.
Right now it hangs in my own kitchen and it still makes me smile.

My Italian grandparents always had a big garden and the egg plant and tomatoes were a tribute to their homegrowing green thumbs.
My Mom tells me that when she was at home everyone in the family had "preserving" chores that took a combined effort to process all the vegetables they "put up" for the winter.
In a family of 5 children that was just part of life. Everything was homemade and delicious.

I know there are those who still do these things today but in our fast paced and instant everything world it is not so common. That is a time of life I wish I could have experienced first hand.

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